Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT) and Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia Organize to 4th Indonesian Student & Lecturer Competition (ISLC) with Theme: Integrating Technology Sustainability Practices and Technologies into Business Operations to Support Long-Term Economic Growth.
A. Social Science:
1. Product Packaging
2. Digital Marketing/ E-Business
3. Management Business Proposal
4. Scientific Paper
5. Public Speaking
B. Engineering & Computer:
1. Graphic Design
2. Youtube Content
3. Multimedia Learning
4. Robotic Control Design
5. Scientific Paper
Registration: https://bit.ly/islc2024
Information: https://islc.fkpt.org
Online Registration: Jul 25 to Oct 10, 2024
Scoring: Oct 11 to Oct 16, 2024
Activity Implementation: Jul 11 to Oct 16, 2024
Announcement: Oct 18, 2024 in Aceh Besar (Politeknik Indonesia Venuzuela)
AWARD: E-Certificate + Medal+ Rotating Trophy
International participant: $ 20 USD/ team
Member FKPT: IDR 150.000/ team
Non Member FKPT: IDR 200.000/ team
For further information or confirmation, please contact:
1) Dodi Siregar (Unhar Medan): +62888-0776-7473
2) Nelly Khairani Daulay (Univbi Lubuk Linggau): +62823-7171-5272
3) Muhammad Syahrizal (Politeknik Cendana Medan): +62823-6077-7038
4) Budi Safatul Anam (Unmuha Aceh): +62811-6852-93
5) Sofia Keumalasari (Poliven Banda Aceh): +62811-6827-25
Bank: Bank Rakyat Indonesia
On behalf of: Yayasan Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi
Account Number: 0367.01.001951.569
Swift Code: BRINIDJA
Contest Term and Condition:
- The product is a student’s work, stored in digital form in Google Drive, and a GD link is sent during registration to Registration Form.
- Participants are students, either individuals or teams consisting of a maximum of 3 people. One team member is allowed 1 accompanying lecturer.
- All competition participants will receive a participation certificate.
- If the initial product assessment is below standard, the product will be deemed to have failed and the registration fee will not be refunded.
- Prizes for winners consist of Certificates and Medals (Gold, Silver, Bronze). Certificates for all team members while only 1 medal for each winning product.
- Rotating trophies will be awarded to institutions that win the most gold medals. The rotating trophy will be kept at the FKPT Secretariat.
- The winner’s decision will be announced on October 18 2024. The jury’s decision cannot be contested.
- For more complete information, please visit the website islc.fkpt.org
Complete Information, please visit https://islc.fkpt.org/4nd-indonesian-student-lecturer-competition-islc-2024/
Brosur https://islc.fkpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/islc-2024.jpg